Friday 8 April 2016

Evaluation 4

  Evaluation 4 from Elleah Stanton on Vimeo.

How did you use media technology in the construction and research and planing and evaluation?

Created using CyberLink Webcam and Windows movie maker. It is an informal discussion with my self about how and when I used each piece of media technology, and then how well it performed.


  1. I'm really happy with Q1/ Q4 - these are top L4 answers, so you don't need to do anything with these. Q2 is perhaps a little low in content - you've done enough, but a little more detail/ analysis might improve this. Q3 is better than Q2 although if you were to include some sort of audience feedback video (like a focus group), this would push it into L4. At the moment you've got 17/20 for this, which gives you 88/100 in total. Improving the two blog posts will net you 1 or 2 more marks, so it's up to you whether you want to do this.

    1. I have improved Q2 if you could check if its okay? Thankssss
