Sunday 20 March 2016

Evaluation 1

  Evaluation 1 from Elleah Stanton on Vimeo.

How did you use, develop, or challenge codes and conventions of real media products?

I created this evaluation using a voice recorder and windows movie maker. It is an audio clip with accompanying visuals.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Looking at Evaluation Q4

These are my written plans for the fourth and final evaluation question.
I have outlined each of the media technologies I have used throughout the project and then written notes about how I used them, how well they worked and any disadvantages I encountered.

I will present this via a video discussion with myself.

Monday 14 March 2016

Looking at Evaluation Q3

I have produced some plans for the third evaluation question, looking at what I have learned from audience feedback throughout my project.
I made a plan looking at all the blog posts about audience feedback and what I learned from each of them. I am going to present this in written form using screenshots from all my rough cuts to show development after feedback. I will also use pictures of my ancillary products and talk about how they developed after audience feedback.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Looking at Evaluation Q2

This is my plan for the second evaluation question looking at the effectiveness of my video and ancillary products.
I have written down all the links between the three products.
I will be presenting it in a power point or mind map.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Looking at Evaluation Q1

I have written out a plan for my first evaluation question.

The format that I will be using for this question is a video where I talk over the top of my final piece explaining to the you where I used conventions of real media texts and where I challenged them.
I will be recording the voice over soon and will put the video together at school using Premier Pro.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Complete Final Piece


MAX - Shot of Pure Gold Final Piece from Elleah Stanton on Vimeo. Music Video

Ancillary Product No.1 - Digipack

Ancillary Product No.2 - Magazine Album Advert

Thursday 3 March 2016

Video Updated

Taking the constructive feedback from my audience, I have completed my final cut!
I increased the length of the final shot by changing the speed of the clip after the two characters land in that location. This effect also helps the ending look emotional and it nicely brings the video to a close.


MAX - Shot of Pure Gold from Elleah Stanton on Vimeo.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Audience Feedback for Final Cut

I posted my current final cut to Facebook asking people on my friends list to watch it and give me some feedback.
The response was quite amazing as it got 44 likes, 1 share and 8 comments. Here are some of the comments below:

 The others included,
 "There are no faults with this!"
" Brill. I was captivated"
"This is amazing I was mesmerised"

Then talking to more of my target audience the day after I posted it I received wholly feedback from a number of people expressing how they loved it.

One thing that it was noted I could improve on is the length of the fade out at the ending. I need to make the fade longer so the impact of the two together is properly received by the audience.