Wednesday 2 March 2016

Audience Feedback for Final Cut

I posted my current final cut to Facebook asking people on my friends list to watch it and give me some feedback.
The response was quite amazing as it got 44 likes, 1 share and 8 comments. Here are some of the comments below:

 The others included,
 "There are no faults with this!"
" Brill. I was captivated"
"This is amazing I was mesmerised"

Then talking to more of my target audience the day after I posted it I received wholly feedback from a number of people expressing how they loved it.

One thing that it was noted I could improve on is the length of the fade out at the ending. I need to make the fade longer so the impact of the two together is properly received by the audience.

1 comment:

  1. I think you maybe need to slow down that final moment and fade before Rachel turns to the camera
