Thursday 3 March 2016

Video Updated

Taking the constructive feedback from my audience, I have completed my final cut!
I increased the length of the final shot by changing the speed of the clip after the two characters land in that location. This effect also helps the ending look emotional and it nicely brings the video to a close.


MAX - Shot of Pure Gold from Elleah Stanton on Vimeo.


  1. If you can be bothered... (!)
    1. I really, honestly, would try to increase the pace of the editing from 2.30-the end so that you're hitting the beat a lot more, since otherwise you don't quite get the variation with the earlier part of the song
    2. I would aim to fade before Rachel looks at the camera!

    At the moment, I would say that I could argue this into L4 (prob 33/40) due to the range of shots, quality of editing, humour and attention to detail. A nasty moderator might argue it down, so the more secure the pacing is, the better. However, it's up to you.

    Could do with getting some audience feedback.
