Friday 24 July 2015

Conventional Costume

I asked Mark to dress in dark clothing that you would conventionally see in a typical rock n roll music video.
I also asked Laura and Rachel to dress in dark clothes, but maybe with a bit more bright pattern added into it.

This is the inspiration I used:

This kind of dress is conventional to rock music videos in the sense that it is dark and tight. However, giving that the song is more anthemic and classic as opposed to todays darker rock, I wanted the costume of my characters to be a bit more flamboyant. I had originally planned to have Mark in a large furry coat with black skinny jeans and Jeffery West Style boots. However, circumstances meant that we had to work with what we had and a leather jacket and brown boots were the closest we could get. Despite the change, I really feel the costumes worked. I managed to find a velvet throw which acted as a kind of cape, bringing in that element of flamboyancy and arrogance.

As for the inspiration for the girls in the video, I wanted to them to look something like this:

This kind of costume is also typical of women in rock music videos. It conforms to the ideas surrounding the Male Gaze theory, as the women  are appealing to the males (or females) within
rock culture.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Preliminary Task: Final Video

Filming and Editing!

Today has been a massive day for this project as I filmed the entirety of it and edited it together all in one day.

Me and my three actors met at half nine this morning then drove to Hardwick Park to film. We had a look around and decided on the best area to film.

The area we decided on was an enclosed area of the park surrounded by trees and a small pond. There was also some ruins along with the very important large white chair.

We made use of our surroundings and also did a small photo shoot amongst the ruins, which would be used for promotion or a Digi-Pak for this song.

 Filming today flowed perfectly. Despite the light rain, there weren't many obstacles to face. The biggest problem with the location was the fact that children were running around a lot, which meant that a few shots were ruined by public in the background.
The rain meant that the lens got droplets on, however I didn't realise so some of my shots ended up slightly blurry in places. This is a lesson I will take on to my next project and I will make sure the lens is clean before starting to shoot.
Also, due to the fact that I do not have industry standard equipment, I had to make my own dolly out of some books and a plastic bag. It actually proved quite successful as my shots are steady and flow nicely. The only issue was the hassle trying to keep it attached to the camera using a tiny tri-pod.

The editing was also incredibly easy. I downloaded a trial version of Adobe Premier Pro CC which I will have for 30 days. It was even better than the software we use at sixth form as it is the newer edition, which made is very easy to use and I found my self knowing how to use all the tools I needed. This is a technique I have developed through my year as an AS Media student.

I will be uploading the final thing later on today so keep your eyes peeled!!


Friday 17 July 2015

Proposed Date of Filming

Tuesday 21st July

This day is forecast to be warm and sunny, so hopefully the weather will be convenient.
This is the day that my three actors will (hopefully) be free, however due to other commitments, we will have to be finished before 3:00pm.

Thursday 16 July 2015


Durham Council replied to my request and said that I wont be able to use confetti in the park as it is disruptive to the wildlife.
To over come this obstacle, I will use flower petals instead as there easily decompose, birds wont try to eat it and  can easily pick with up afterwards.

I have also collected my props, all I need now is to make a dolly for my camera and find a cane.

Since it will be the summer holidays when I film this, I wont be able to use the school cameras, so I will have to use my own camera which is not particularly very good quality. However, it is easy to use and the grainy look of the shots may add to the aesthetic of the piece.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Hardwick Hall

Hardwick Hall replied and told me that the park is actually separate to the hotel and that it is owned by Durham County Council. I have sent in an enquiry so hopefully they will reply ASAP!

Emailing for Permission

I have emailed Hardwick Hall Hotel asking whether it would be okay if I can shoot confetti in the park where I plan to film.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Filming Schedule

I created this so that I had an even clearer understanding of what I will be doing on the day. By going through the steps numerous times in different ways it allows me to absorb my ideas completely so I can stay on track when filming and know exactly what I want.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Shooting Schedule

Here is my shooting schedule that I will be looking at when filming.
It gives me a clear idea of who I need on set, how long each shot needs to be and what each shot should look like, along with any other considerations.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Lyrics, Casting and Storyboarding

I have ask my friend Mark Ovington to be my main actor who will take on an arrogant, proud and sassy persona.
I will then ask three of my female friends to act as the women surrounding him.

I have also started to storyboard my shoot.


These are the lyrics for the part of the song that I will be doing:

 (intrumental intro)
Don't wanna live as an untold story
Rather go out in a blaze glory
I can't hear you, I don't fear you
I'll live now cause the bad die last
Dodging bullets with your broken past
I can't hear you, I don't fear you now
Wrapped in your regret
What a waste of blood and sweat
Oh oh oh...
I wanna taste love and pain
I wanna feel pride and shame
I don't wanna take my time
I don't wanna waste one line
I wanna live better days
Never look back and say
It could have been me
It could have been me

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Preliminary Task Initial Stages

Hello again!

Simultaneously to analysing my chosen music videos, I have been tasked to plan, shoot and edit a short music video clip lasting around a minute long.
I have chosen to use The Struts // Could Have Been Me, starting from the beginning to the end of the first chorus.

I have created a Pinterest board to display my theme and idea:

Follow Elleah's board Initial Idea on Pinterest.

I already have an idea of where I would like to shoot my video. Here I have found some photos from google, however I plan to visit the location myself this weekend to take my own photography and scout out the area.