Tuesday 29 September 2015


For my survey I will create a word document of the four different colour schemes that I showed you in my previous post, with spaces for my target audience to put a tally mark to the one they find the most eye catching and the one that they would be enticed into buying.

I am going to ask as many 16-20 year olds as I can so that I can get a clear winner and am able to put the data into a graph.

Monday 28 September 2015

First Attempt at Photoshop

To begin my development into making my own branding for MAX, I have played around a bit on Photoshop using an existing image of MAX so that I can just start to get a feel for the sort of branding I will be doing. Here are my first attempts:
After inserting all the text  and iTunes logo I played around with the hue and saturation of the image, creating four different colour schemes that I am yet to whittle down to one. To make sure that I am in touch with my target audience, I will carry out a survey asking people my age which advert colour scheme they find the most appealing. I will uplaod this to my blog via a graph.
I had to google existing magazine adverts for albums/singles and I found that the artists name was the biggest focal point of the advert, as well as the central image. They also included the date on which the consumer can pre order the single. They also included small reviews along with the source of the quotation, the artists webpage and the logo of where the consumer can buy the single.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Branding Research Conclusion

I have finished my research into branding after looking at existing artists' branding through the likes of social media, album adverts, artists image, logos and webpages.
 To conclude my research, in my own branding i will:
- Use large white/bold font for the name/logo of the artist, much like MAX  and Travie McCoy.
- Use a bright colour scheme that reflects the hip-hop/pop style music, that will be used extensively through all the advertising
- Have a main image that I will use on all the promotional things, either a photo of the 'artist' or an image I have drawn and scanned into the computer (like Jon Bellion's cartoon branding)

Target Audience

I will grasp my target audience or 16-20 year olds through:
- Bright colours that reflect upbeat songs
- A main image that will entice them, most likely an image of something pleasing like an attractive male or female (Male Gaze/Female Gaze Theory) or an animal
- Create a scenario that the audience aspire to be in themselves

Thursday 24 September 2015

Pop/Hip-hop Genre Branding

Jon Bellion
His album 'The Seperation' was accompanied by some singles and an American Tour.
His branding used is the colour scheme and the use of animated cartoon characters. He sticks with the blues, whites and purples. His album covers and tour poster all have a central character in the middle of the image, much like MAX. From this comparison I can say that for my packaging and promotion for my music video I will use a focus point. I could photograph someone and play around with photoshop to make it look animated.


Travie McCoy

His newest single 'Golden' featuring Sia, his webpage and youtube account all share the same colour scheme. The image from the single cover is used in the header for his youtube. The pink, purples and oranges are carried on into his webpage, which matched the single cover. The writing is also white, much like MAX's logo. This bright and appealing branding matches the birhgt branding of Jon Bellion, so this means I may use bright colours in the branding for my music video. However, the colours used for MAX's branding is a lot darker as it uses black as a main colour. This will be a decision I have the make when I come to finalising my branding research.

Jay Watts

Watts' newsest single 'My Dreams' cover used purples, pinks, greys and blues. Again, like the other artists I have looked at, he has used bright happy colours. The whacky colour scheme is arried on into his webpage, with the use of greens, purple, blue and pink. This fresh, new look is a clear portrayal of the music industry today. For my branding I will use a clear colour scheme.

Sunday 20 September 2015

MAX Branding

I have researched a bit more into branding, mainly because the research I did before relates more to the rock genre.

I have looked at the different social media accounts of MAX and found that he has a common brand design:
Facebook, Instagram, Youtube

The colour scheme seems to be the branding identity for MAX, with the use of reds and blues.
 He is using the same imagery of himself as the focal point of his promotion, along with a white logo of his name that stands out against the background. It creates quite a bold statement, so for my branding I want to have a solid colour scheme, a central image and a bold logo.

His branding is carried on into his advertising too:
Tour poster, webpage, merchandise

Friday 18 September 2015

Finalising Song Choice

After presenting my pitch to the class and my teacher, it was clear that I needed to get my ideas finalised and set so that I have a clear direction for my project.
I had said that my artist was going to be Jon Bellion, however I have found an artist called MAX.
The song I am going to use for my final project is MAX // Puppeteer:

You're dripping fire tonight.
You're like miracle, you got me feeling so,
Ah ah ah hey hey hey hey
Ah ah ah ah, hey hey hey hey
Look like the rest of my life.
You're like a centerfold
I wanna make you go
Ah ah ah
Hey hey hey hey
Ah ah ah hey

Girl you're all the rage, so can we turn the page
tell me little something little more than just your name
I don't bite, but I heard you might
so let me feed your appetite.
Where do we go from here,
Whisper what you want in my ear,
My little puppeteer.

We don't need clothes to dance.
So we can take it slow.
Or put on a show.
Give them give them want me
Ah ah ah hey hey hey hey.

Girl you're all the rage, so can we turn the page
tell me little something little more than just your name
I don't bite, but I heard you might
so let me feed your appetite.
Where do we go from here,
Whisper what you want in my ear,
My little puppeteer.

so wont you pull your body close to mine.
Tastes like heaven when our lips collide.
And I'm hooked and I'm hooked and I'm hooked I'm strung out on ya baby.
Yeah I don't bite but heard you might so let me feed your appetite.

Saturday 12 September 2015


I have prepared my pitch on prezi ready for next Thursday. Within the time between now and next week I will be doing some research into pop music videos.

In the mean time, here are the songs that I am looking at:

Monday 7 September 2015

Action Plan

What I have done so far:
- Researched rock music videos
- Planned a mini music video preliminary task
- Shot the music video and blogged about it
- Talked about where I got my inspiration from
- Researched digi-paks and music adverts
- Changed direction of final piece to Pop Music Video

What I need to do next:
- Prepare my pitch of my idea of final project
- Research Hip Hop/ Pop music videos
- Look at existing branding and come to a conclusion for my concept
- Get feedback on my idea from classmates, teacher and friends
- Plan my final video, including storyboards, call sheets, location scouting, costumes and props, production schedule, shooting schedule
- Seek out permission to use the track from the artist
- Look back at my research and see how my idea fits the conventions
- Test footage, eg location, props, actors
- Throughout  need to evaluate and review what I did and how I found a task
- Constantly think about the advert and digi-pak
- Compare regularly to my AS final task and post about how I have improved
- Shoot the video!
- Edit
- Evaluate