Monday 28 September 2015

First Attempt at Photoshop

To begin my development into making my own branding for MAX, I have played around a bit on Photoshop using an existing image of MAX so that I can just start to get a feel for the sort of branding I will be doing. Here are my first attempts:
After inserting all the text  and iTunes logo I played around with the hue and saturation of the image, creating four different colour schemes that I am yet to whittle down to one. To make sure that I am in touch with my target audience, I will carry out a survey asking people my age which advert colour scheme they find the most appealing. I will uplaod this to my blog via a graph.
I had to google existing magazine adverts for albums/singles and I found that the artists name was the biggest focal point of the advert, as well as the central image. They also included the date on which the consumer can pre order the single. They also included small reviews along with the source of the quotation, the artists webpage and the logo of where the consumer can buy the single.

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