Saturday 26 September 2015

Branding Research Conclusion

I have finished my research into branding after looking at existing artists' branding through the likes of social media, album adverts, artists image, logos and webpages.
 To conclude my research, in my own branding i will:
- Use large white/bold font for the name/logo of the artist, much like MAX  and Travie McCoy.
- Use a bright colour scheme that reflects the hip-hop/pop style music, that will be used extensively through all the advertising
- Have a main image that I will use on all the promotional things, either a photo of the 'artist' or an image I have drawn and scanned into the computer (like Jon Bellion's cartoon branding)

Target Audience

I will grasp my target audience or 16-20 year olds through:
- Bright colours that reflect upbeat songs
- A main image that will entice them, most likely an image of something pleasing like an attractive male or female (Male Gaze/Female Gaze Theory) or an animal
- Create a scenario that the audience aspire to be in themselves

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