Thursday 24 September 2015

Pop/Hip-hop Genre Branding

Jon Bellion
His album 'The Seperation' was accompanied by some singles and an American Tour.
His branding used is the colour scheme and the use of animated cartoon characters. He sticks with the blues, whites and purples. His album covers and tour poster all have a central character in the middle of the image, much like MAX. From this comparison I can say that for my packaging and promotion for my music video I will use a focus point. I could photograph someone and play around with photoshop to make it look animated.


Travie McCoy

His newest single 'Golden' featuring Sia, his webpage and youtube account all share the same colour scheme. The image from the single cover is used in the header for his youtube. The pink, purples and oranges are carried on into his webpage, which matched the single cover. The writing is also white, much like MAX's logo. This bright and appealing branding matches the birhgt branding of Jon Bellion, so this means I may use bright colours in the branding for my music video. However, the colours used for MAX's branding is a lot darker as it uses black as a main colour. This will be a decision I have the make when I come to finalising my branding research.

Jay Watts

Watts' newsest single 'My Dreams' cover used purples, pinks, greys and blues. Again, like the other artists I have looked at, he has used bright happy colours. The whacky colour scheme is arried on into his webpage, with the use of greens, purple, blue and pink. This fresh, new look is a clear portrayal of the music industry today. For my branding I will use a clear colour scheme.

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