Monday 7 September 2015

Action Plan

What I have done so far:
- Researched rock music videos
- Planned a mini music video preliminary task
- Shot the music video and blogged about it
- Talked about where I got my inspiration from
- Researched digi-paks and music adverts
- Changed direction of final piece to Pop Music Video

What I need to do next:
- Prepare my pitch of my idea of final project
- Research Hip Hop/ Pop music videos
- Look at existing branding and come to a conclusion for my concept
- Get feedback on my idea from classmates, teacher and friends
- Plan my final video, including storyboards, call sheets, location scouting, costumes and props, production schedule, shooting schedule
- Seek out permission to use the track from the artist
- Look back at my research and see how my idea fits the conventions
- Test footage, eg location, props, actors
- Throughout  need to evaluate and review what I did and how I found a task
- Constantly think about the advert and digi-pak
- Compare regularly to my AS final task and post about how I have improved
- Shoot the video!
- Edit
- Evaluate

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