Monday 29 February 2016

Thinking About Evaluation

  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  • How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

These are the questions that I need to start thinking about and then ultimately starting to answer using a range of different methods or technologies.
Q1: Conventions of real media products
I need to look at: my research into existing music videos influenced my own planning of my music video, how my research into print products and branding conventions influenced my digipack and album advert, how and why I decided to do these things, why I decided to challenge some forms and conventions and why I chose to use and develop some.

Q2: Branding
I need to look at: my research into branding and how I used this information to create my own brand, the parallels between my video and print products and why I made them.

Q3: Audience Feedback
I need to look at: how audience feedback influenced my decisions within my video and print products, how effectively I have kept in line with appealing to my target audience .

Q4: Media Technologies
I need to look at: which technologies I used in research  then planning and then for evaluation such as camera, blogger, Premeier Pro, Photoshop, Vimeo etc, how effective they each were for showing/creating my work.

Saturday 27 February 2016


I have made three trials, one without any reviews, and two with reviews in different places.
I asked my target audience which they prefer and which they think looked best.
The results confirmed that the second trial with reviews looks the best, so I will be using it for my final piece.



Friday 26 February 2016

Final Digipack

This the complete version of my digipack.
I used a different template to my initial one due to the fact that this one had all the measurments, room for the spine and the correct number of pages.
 I have included a spine which consists of the name of the artist, the name of the album and the product number in the same font as the copyright info on the back cover.
I am very happy with my final product.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Audience Feedback for Final Digipack

These are my two final designs for the covers of my digipack. I am not sure which one I prefer so I collected target audience feedback via social media.
I have asked a focus group online consisting of 17-20 year olds which they find most effective.
The Results:
No.1 - 6
No.2 - 2

The clear vote for the final digipack is no.1 so based on this I will be using that design for my final digipack.


Tuesday 23 February 2016

Final Cut Three

Here is the edited video with the ending edited on.

Final Cut 3 - With Ending from Elleah Stanton on Vimeo.

I will be editing the video more to speed up the final shots.

Monday 22 February 2016

Shot List From Final Day of Shooting

There are the shots from the final day of shooting. I have looked through them all and most of them aren't exactly what I want because they dont act for long enough. However there is one shot, MVI_1435, which is perfect because the two characters are laughing along with eachother, which will look effective with a dip to black videa transition, It will leave the video on a optimistic, light hearted note where the audience will assume that the two characters carry on their romantic relationship together.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Left Inside and CD Tray Design

After receiving teacher feedback, I created a new inside design so see if it compares to my standing design.
It was suggested that I use the heart from the ending of my music video. I have taken a photo of it, made it a square and edited it slightly. I wont be able to properly see whether this design will look better or not until I can edit it using Photoshop at school next week.

Monday 15 February 2016

FINAL Filming Update

The final shot has finally been filmed! (Hoorah)

We managed to get Ben and Rachel available at the same time to film. It took about ten minutes to do after clearing my landing and adding lighting so that it was brightly lit.
I decided to do it here because it is a plain background much like the background of the heart design, which allows the two characters to seem alone together in their own world.

The only problem I faced was getting the camera straight, or seem straight, due to our wonky house.
I have many shots to choose from and I will get straight onto editing them in as soon as half term holidays are over!

Friday 12 February 2016

Changes to Digipack

After receiving feedback on my digipack from my teacher I will :

- Trialing a different left inside cover using the image of the heart from the booklet images
- Add in a reference number to the back cover
- Create a spine

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Final Digipack 4 Page Booklet

Final Digipack

 This is my final design as of today for my digipack.
It my change after teacher feedback.

Front Cover

Back Cover

CD Tray and Left Inside

CD Design

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Final Magazine Album Advert Process + Focus Group

I have completed my final magazine advert after making some changed to my last draft.
After doing some finishing touches on my magazine and adding in 'CD/DOWNLOAD' and an image of the album cover, I realised that the logo on the advert was quite different to the one on my CD cover. So, to see which looked better I created a CD cover with the more whacky MAX logo to compare the two and get target audience feedback.

I organised a focus group consisting of members of my target audience and I asked them which design of the logo they preferred. The general consensus was that the new design where the logo is distorted looked better and more appealing than the original. 

I decided against the different coloured posters as I want to keep the same colours through all my print products. I also decided against the string look for the pixels, purely because I think the larger pixels look more professional and subtle.

Here is my final magazine advert:

Thursday 4 February 2016

Branding With Pixels

Using the pixilate tool, I have added them in to the rest of the components of my digipack in order to keep brand identity.
I really like this design because I think it adds another dimension to it, and it looks a lot more professional and individual.
I have also added on a bar code as a finishing touch.


I have used a smaller brush to create longer shapes that mimic strings which ties in with my theme of light hearted manipulation and control.

More Test Stuff

I have played around with the other tools on Photoshop looking at adding some more depth to my designs. I have added some pixilated graphics behind the texts and distorted the text to look more psychedelic and fun. On the left is the original first rough cut design, and on the right is the edited version.
I really like the look of the new version, however there is not much link to the idea of strings and puppets. I am going to try to find a tool that lets me create string like graphics.

Testing Colour Scheme

Using the rough cut from my previous post, I changed the hue and brightness/contrast on it and created five design ideas. I will ask members of my target audience which they prefer.
I really like the different colours of all of them, it is making me think that I will make them all part of MAX's branding. The idea of changing the hue but keeping everything else the same could be part of what makes MAX's branding identity noticeable and memorable.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Magazine Advert Rough Cut 1

This is my first rough cut for my final magazine advert. I have used the same ideas from my initial planning of my advert that I did earlier in the year.
I will be editing this on Photoshop improving it and changing it using teacher, self and audience feedback.
I will provide a deeper self feedback in due course.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Next Rough Cut and Update

After speeding up the last shots of Ben dancing around as the song crescendos double what it was originally, I need to make it even quicker. I am going to try to half the clips again so that it will be four times quicker than the original.
Regarding my schedule, I am on track for completing all the planning for my digipack and magazine advert.
My deadline for my final music video is next Friday, 12th so I need to get Ben and Rachel together as soon as possible. I will make sure that all the editing for the rest of the video is completely finished for the half term. In a worst case scenario, I would have to film in the week half term holidays and just quickly insert the final shot when I get back. This will not be an issue for me as it wont take long to edit and I am already well underway with making my print products so it wont take out of my time for them.
I am planning on downloading a free trial of Photoshop for the half term holidays so I can get a good start with my final print products.