Tuesday 9 February 2016

Final Magazine Album Advert Process + Focus Group

I have completed my final magazine advert after making some changed to my last draft.
After doing some finishing touches on my magazine and adding in 'CD/DOWNLOAD' and an image of the album cover, I realised that the logo on the advert was quite different to the one on my CD cover. So, to see which looked better I created a CD cover with the more whacky MAX logo to compare the two and get target audience feedback.

I organised a focus group consisting of members of my target audience and I asked them which design of the logo they preferred. The general consensus was that the new design where the logo is distorted looked better and more appealing than the original. 

I decided against the different coloured posters as I want to keep the same colours through all my print products. I also decided against the string look for the pixels, purely because I think the larger pixels look more professional and subtle.

Here is my final magazine advert:

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