Tuesday 2 February 2016

Next Rough Cut and Update

After speeding up the last shots of Ben dancing around as the song crescendos double what it was originally, I need to make it even quicker. I am going to try to half the clips again so that it will be four times quicker than the original.
Regarding my schedule, I am on track for completing all the planning for my digipack and magazine advert.
My deadline for my final music video is next Friday, 12th so I need to get Ben and Rachel together as soon as possible. I will make sure that all the editing for the rest of the video is completely finished for the half term. In a worst case scenario, I would have to film in the week half term holidays and just quickly insert the final shot when I get back. This will not be an issue for me as it wont take long to edit and I am already well underway with making my print products so it wont take out of my time for them.
I am planning on downloading a free trial of Photoshop for the half term holidays so I can get a good start with my final print products.

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