Wednesday 10 February 2016

Final Digipack

 This is my final design as of today for my digipack.
It my change after teacher feedback.

Front Cover

Back Cover

CD Tray and Left Inside

CD Design

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I'm not sure about is the left-inside cover; the design seems somewhat at odds with the rest of the concept (I get that you're going for a kitsch kind of quality, I just think it doesn't fit in with the overall design concept of the hearts/ marquettes). Do you have a still of the heart design? If so, why don't you try that, on its own, with the pixel effect.
    I think that the CD booklet is really good, but you will need an inner sleeve for it to slot into opposite the tray, which you should identify on your design. Also, your digipak needs a spine.
