Thursday 15 October 2015

Annotating Lyrics

I have just finished annotating the lyrics to the song. 
I have noted down: 
- the different locations and which part of the song they will go with
- the timings of each section of the song to give me an idea of how long shots need to be 
- what will be happening during the shots of the girl and the shots of the boy 

I have also decided on a beginning and an ending to the video. To start, I will shoot the girl opening a box with maquette inside, setting up the lighting, drawing a smiley face on the doll and putting the doll against a plain background where she then moves it's arms or legs. I will then shoot along side this the videos of the boy moving in the same actions as the doll.  This sequence ends 0:31 seconds into the song. After this the girl will start to set up the backgrounds then transition into the different locations. 
As for the ending of the song I want the girl to put another maquette next to the boy maquette then cut to a shot of the couple being together and laughing.

1 comment:

  1. It might be helpful to tie your work into some of the theoretical study you have covered as well as some of the other videos you have researched. The more evidence you offer here the stronger your justification will be.
