Monday 19 October 2015

Test Footage

I have created two videos of test footage. Both similar, the only thing I have changed is the shot of Ben.
I shot a quick shot of the girl making the backboards using a close up shot of the paper and the paintbrush. I decided to shoot this test footage in point of view. I will be using close ups to shoot the initial shots of the girl setting up her environment to create an intimate feeling with the audience allowing them to get an insight into her mind. The audience then feel as though they are in on her plan to put the boy wherever she wants.

test one from Elleah Stanton on Vimeo.

test two from Elleah Stanton on Vimeo.

I have also filmed shots of my mum doing the same things as these videos to test whether I want to shoot the scene of the girl in point of view or from an over the shoulder angle. I will be uploading these tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of the camerawork in the framing narrative being more dynamic,to give it a different quality to the performance. You need to make sure that you shoot a lot of footage for your performance, since editing is going to need to be fast and tight. You might want to consider grading the framing footage as slightly unsaturated and slightly over-saturate the performance footage to further heighten the difference.
