Thursday 1 October 2015

Single/Album Cover Development

I have started looking at album/single covers for my promotional packaging messing around on Photoshop. First I found a photograph of my artist with high resolution and a square shape so that it will fit the measurements for a typical album/single cover. I worked over the image using the paint tool to turn into a cartoon version, inspired by Jon Bellion's 'Woke the F*ck Up' cover.

From this, to suit one of the colour schemes from my magazine adverts, I played around with the hue setting for the image and turned it into green and blue tones.
 This follows from my research into branding, and my conclusion made that I would include the artist as the focal point of the imagery.

I then inserted the text from the magazine advert to make sure that my branding is carried through all of my promotional media.

My next step will be to start planning my music video! I need to write own a solid concept and work out how to incorporate these ideas into the video.

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