Tuesday 20 October 2015

More Test Footage

test three from Elleah Stanton on Vimeo.

As I talked about in my previous test footage post, I shot some videos of my mum carrying out the the same actions as my point of view video. I did this to test whether I want to shoot all the girl's parts in point of view or from an over the shoulder perspective. After looking at tests 1 and 2 against number 3, I have decided that I am going to shoot manily in over the shoulder perspective, but with a bit of point of view.
I have decided to do this because I will be able to shoot a range of different angles and shots so that I can reach a high level for range of shots used. This allows me to use close ups, pans, handheld, crane and medium, high and low shots.
I have alse chosen this way because I need to establish who the character is, which is something that I wouldnt be able to do from a POV perspective.

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