Saturday 17 October 2015

Things I Need to Consider

This post is about the general things that I need to do to get this project fully under way. 
-shoot and edit test footage of Ben and the girl with a doll, testing the different transition ideas 
-request permission for me to use the song I have changed to from MAX management 
-visit as many locations on my list as I can, photograph and upload to blog to finalise my location scouting
-upload my music video idea PowerPoint 
-create a post on theory and research and how they link into my idea 
-start and complete my storyboard
-fill out all production sheets including call sheets and shooting schedule 
-start a list of props I need and collect stereotypical props each location. Eg. Spatula for kitchen, bucket and spade for beach
-shoot location footage
-create the back boards

Variables I need to consider when shooting: 
-Ben is stood the same distance away from the camera frame in shot for all location footage
-find costumes for Ben to suit each of the locations, for example on the beach I need to find a typical beach costume or for the kitchen shot I need to find a chef hat, winter coat and scarf for the forest etc
-shoot all the location footage first so I can create the back boards for the footage of the girl and the maquette. 
-Ben needs to match the movements of the maquette to ensure continuity 


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