Sunday 18 October 2015

Location Scouting- house/garden

This is the location I will be shooting the final scene of the couple together after she has placed a second mannequin next to the boy one.
I really like the innocence of the hedge behind and I think it will create a soft, cute image of the couple together. This is the look I am aiming for as pop music videos often contain very clichéd romantic scenarios even among the more comical ones. The hedge will surround the couple when I frame the shot properly, which will emphasise the idea of their relationship being strong and how they are in love, as if they are in their own bubble. This shot at the end will also soften any parts of the narrative that seem too serious or dark as it will provide a sweet, loving end to it. There is a risk that some parts of the video may look like the concept of the video is to show a relationship that is manipulative, but I am trying to avoid this by keeping it as comical as I can in the way the boy reacts and the over the top nature of the locations, props and costumes.

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