Wednesday 28 October 2015

Durham Filming

This is the shooting schedule for filming in Durham. This will take place on Monday 2nd Nov. 
I will be shooting the scenes of the train station in Durham Train station because it is completely accessible to use and it has a certain vintage feel to it with the brick buildings which will really emphasise the stereotypical tone of the locations that he is being put into.
As for The Library Res
traunt, the interior is extremely colourful and youthful which will look great on camera with conspicuous lighting in order to bring out the colours. I will also be colour enhancing the shots in the editing stage to really pull together the idea of this dream/alternate world that the girl is creating.
For the shopping scenes, I will be using the outside of BHS in Durham Prince Bishops. I think Prince bishops will be a really good place to film, especially BHS because it is placed at curve of the horse shoe, so it will create a nice framing for Ben.
I am hoping to be able to get into Freemans Quay swimming pool to film, however I have a feeling I wont be allowed in to film. Therefore my back up plan is to film from outside the windows where you can till see the swimming pool directly. This way I will just have to focus the attention on the rubber ring prop he has. This is the perfect place to film this as it is clearly a swimming pool which helps with the over the top nature of the video, and the windows are large enabling me to get Ben and the water in the frame perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not seeing a huge amount of activity, Elleah - remember: all of your planning and updated research needs to be posted. Although there is some in-depth work here, it's going to be hard to give you a mark much into level 3 (low B/high C) because many of your posts (for instance, this one) lack detail or contextualisation. You need to justify your ideas with relation to your research and explain your choices clearly, otherwise there's no real indication of why you are making these choices.
