Wednesday 23 December 2015

Album Advert Magazine

After looking at a wide range of album adverts for magazines, I have come to a conclusion of the conventions of a album advert.

-As seen above. the name of the artist is the biggest (if not second biggest) focal point of the advert. For Olly Murs, Madonna and You Me At Six, their names are the place the consumers eyes will look first.
- Once the consumer has then established the artist, they then are drawn to the colour scheme mixed with the other images in the advert. For Olly Murs it is the repeated image of himself in the middle of the page, which has now helped the consumer understand who the artist is if they were unsure before. If they knew fully well who it was, the image of the artist may encourage them to read the advert. This would often be the case when voyeurism is used, for both males and females. The artists are dressed up in attractive and fashionable clothing to lure in the attention of the consumer.For Coldplay and YMAS it is the assortment of colours behind the text that catches the eye here.
-Then, the consumer is fully engaged with the advert and (hopefully) wants to find out the details of this advert such as the release date, the name of the album and where they can buy it from. For Olly, Coldplay and YMAS, the date of release takes up a large amount of area on the page, which can be argued to be the third most important piece of information, as this is when the consumer will be able to do what they do best, consume, and give money to the artist, which is exactly what the advert is trying to achieve.
- It is often that the colour scheme, typography or images are similar or even exactly the same to the other promotional pieces of media made by the record company to ensure a brand identity is made.E.g the YMAS image is the same as the image on the front of the album cover.
- Another part of a music advert is the mention of certain songs that will be heard in the album. This is done so that the consumer can connect their past experiences of the single they heard on the radio with the musis advert, which will encourage them further to buy the album and anticipate its release.

These conventions form the basis of what I will create on Photoshop for MAX's album: Pull My Strings, Including hit single: Shot Of Pure Gold.

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