Tuesday 22 December 2015

Editing Update

So, I'm almost at the end of the song! I can only edit during lesson time as I don't have the software to at home. However, when I can edit, I am quite quick and I work effectively. 
I am just in the process of putting all the shots in the right place and then I will move on to changing the colours and brightness. 
After this, I will go through the video again and tighten up any bits to make sure it flows properly. 

Problems I have encountered: 
- I have a lot of footage that I want to include of Ben in the different places but not enough space to put them in. This meant I had to select my favourite clips and edit them in as much as I could, enough to avoid making it look like I am overloading it with footage. 
- I can't find the footage from the music rooms shoot on the hard drive. This is a minor set back as it means I have to upload them off the camera again. 

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