Thursday 3 December 2015

Editing Update No.1

The editing has begun!
So far I have edited the first 20 seconds (approximately) and its going pretty smoothly. I spent one hour the other day editing 7 seconds worth of footage for the part when she is piling up the backgrounds she had made. I wanted them to be put down on the beat then off the beat then back on the beat so that it was very fast pace in order to heighten the fun atmosphere . I finally managed to do it and I am really happy with how it has turned out. 
I feel 100% more confident using Premier Pro this time around. In AS I was quite hesitant to use it and I was not completely sure what to do. With my 'The Art of Madness' final piece for example, the footage was not cut with regard to the music, so the cuts are not on the beat or the sounds of the piano.I feel very knowledgeable in how to use it accurately and how to get the best out of its features. For now I am only concentrating on ordering and cutting the clips to the beat. After I have completed the whole video, I will then look at how I can change the colours in the footage using the brightness and contrast tools.

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