Sunday 29 November 2015

Filming Update No.6

So! Yesterday I woke up at 10 am and did not stop doing media preparation/filming until 6 pm.
 The first thing that I did was finish off the remaining backgrounds that I needed to start and some that I needed to finish off or change. For example I drew out the table tennis background with the table in it, which was wrong the shot of Ben consists of him behind the table, meaning that the table needed to be a prop. I had to redo the background with only the wall and the sofa. I then drew out the two backgrounds that I needed to film Rachel making, and then just got her to paint over the water colour with water so that it looked like she was actually finishing them of herself and that it was her making them the whole time. I also had to finish off making the props out of cardboard and other materials. On the day, I decided to make the scarf prop out of red felt to give the props a bit of diversity. I also decided to do this because it meant that the scarf could be easily wrapped around the doll and look a lot like a real scarf. I used black felt tip pen to create the patterns on the scarf to match the one that Ben is wearing.
I also wanted to get Rachel to physically draw one of the props, and this meant that the prop was not exactly what i wanted it to look like. It is slightly out of proportion to the shot of Ben with the ironing board which means that I might have to re-film that shot using my own hands and take out the shot of her drawing the ironing board.


Quite spontaneously, I decided to turn my dining room into an art studio for the shots of Rachel at the start of the video making the backgrounds and props. At first I decided that I would get out a tiny yellow table from my garage and fill that with art supplies that I could find. However after looking around my house for places to film this in, i then thought that my dining room table had not been used for any of my other footage, so it would be wise to film in there. I chose to film here because it had a lot of space around the table for me to move around and get different angled shots and reach all angles of Rachel. I also decided to film here because the blank walls allowed me to be able to turn the whole room into an art studio with a few canvases of my own artwork, and a few from around my house, along with other pieces I had done on paper. I want to create the look that Rachel is accustomed to manipulating boys, like she is some kind of manipulating artist full of style and charisma. After deciding on the room, I covered the table with newspaper to give it a more rugged creative look as opposed to the table which was glass and very straight and tidy. I then collected all of my art supplies that I could find from around the house, then emptied them all onto the table in quite a random and disorderly fashion to extenuate the idea of Rachel being creative and artistic. I stuck the artwork randomly on the window to give it yet more of a rugged look. I really like how colourful the table looks and I think the bright range of colours will give my video an extremely uplifting attitude.

As for the shots in my bedroom, I completely tidied it and hoovered, took out a few bold items that would draw too much attention to themselves like my Batman rug and poster, and put all the lamps and lights on that I could find, in order to create the best lighting possible. The purple lamp and my purple carpet created a bit of a purple/pink glow to the footage which I really like because it gives the shots a bit of a warm hearted feeling.


As for the actual filming of the piece, we filmed everything that I had planned on my shot list, which I depended on a lot. The shot list is something that I haven't properly used before in my previous projects in AS. This was because I used my storyboards as reference to what shots I needed to film, but for this project, because my storyboard was so long, I needed to create a shot lost that I would be able to use on the day for reference to what I would need to shoot.
The camera was very good fort he handheld footage, which there was a lot of. You can't actually tell that it is handheld a lot of the time because I found that there is some kind of stabilising feature on the camera which made the shots look very professional.
The lighting meant that all the footage has really good quality, which I am very pleased about.

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