Monday 2 November 2015

Filming Update No. 2

Today I filmed in Durham. I managed to film three scenes for my music video, which is one less than I had planned. I managed to film the train station, shopping center and restaurant.

Shopping Center

First, we went to the Gates Shopping center to film instead of the Prince Bishops as it seemed better lit. However after we set up to film we got told that we couldn't take videos or photographs inside due to terrorism. Being slightly disgruntled I decided I would go to the Prince Bishops like I had originally planned even though it had turned dark outside by this point. This was fine however because the lighting ended up being okay and we shot all the shots I needed. Here is a screen grab from one of the shots since I forgot to take some photos. I had planned to shoot in front of BHS which was just to the last of the scene above, however after turning the camera on and checking the lighting, it was clear that the best place to shoot in front of was Superdrug. The lighting here allowed Ben's face to be seen easily and I just really like the general glow of the shops behind him. Superdrug is also a well known high street shop so it is obvious that the scenario that I am trying to convey is that he has been high street shopping.


The second location we filmed in was The Library Restaurant/Bar. Like I talked about in my previous post about the locations I am shooting in in Durham, this place was chosen because of its unique colours and layout which is very 'trendy' and modern. Filming in here went quite well, however the lighting was a bit trickier than imagined as the lights weren't very bright so it looks quite gloomy. I still like the look of the shots though and this is something that I can look at changing in the editing phase by enhancing the colour and brightness. There was not a lot of space to film in where we weren't getting in the way of the waiters and customers, but we were very efficient in getting the shots done quickly and effectively so that we could move on to the next location. Ben was especially good with just getting on with the acting despite the busy atmosphere.
(not my photo, from google)

Train Station

Our final scene was shot at Durham Train Station, where we expected to have difficulties filming. It was trickier to film actually inside the building due to the large amount of people needing the space to rush onto trains due to the busy time of day. If I was to shoot these again I would make sure I go during a time which is less busy, maybe during the day. We then chose to film just outside the station where you could still clearly see the trains and other locomotive equipment. The lighting (AGAIN) was a bit difficult with the light coming mainly from behind Ben, meaning that his face was blurred slightly. Despite this, I still think the shots will work really well when edited together with the music and colour editing,

Tomorrow I will be looking through all the shots I've taken so far and sorting them out into GOOD and BAD groups.
Until then, 

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