Thursday 19 November 2015

Rough Cut 1

This is my mini rough cut that I made for my music video so that I can put together my ideas and showcase them to you. This video outlines the kind of aesthetic of what my final video will look like. Considering I haven't filmed the parts with Rachel that are supposed to link together the different locations, the final cut will look quite different to this. This rough cut only really displays the way I will be cutting the shots so that it looks like he has been put there by the girl.
Soon I will be finishing off a different rough cut where I will put black screens where the shots of Rachel would be so that there is a better gist of how the video will flow.


  1. Obviously impossible to give you a level on this, considering. What I would say is that you need to be careful with regard to light - where you are filming in low light, the quality isn't great and this will have an impact on your mark if you're not careful. It might be worth getting Ben to jump and cut in at the point when he is landing? You might want to do some stop-motion effects in order to have him "appear" in the scene? I would aim to have something more substantial by the end of the week so I can give you more of an idea about how to approach this; at the moment, it's not quite clear.

  2. I have re-filmed the scenes with the dog in the day time and I have shot at a different location with better lighting which may be able to replace any darker ones. I also want to shoot one more scene in school.
