Sunday 1 November 2015

Filming Update No. 1

So, today j managed to film two scenes of my music video. 
I shot the forest scene in Coxhoe Woods which was only a short walk from my house and is somewhere I know very well. I had had this spot my mind since the forest idea first arose. I think the straight line of the tree line will look effective in the framing and general mise en scene of the shots. The way the sun casts shadows of the trees behind the camera onto the shot creates a really fantasy-like atmosphere as it adds to the different colour tones in the frame. I chose this place because it looks conventional in the way that pop music videos often shoot in forested areas that are lit in an interesting way, used a lot in Jon Bellions music videos. 
Filming this scene went very smoothly, I got all the planned shots and lots of shots where I asked Ben to improvised which ended up in goofy dancing.

The next location we shot in was my living room. I have already posted in my blog about why I have chosen this location for this particular scene. I also decided to add in some lamps in order to create conspicuous lighting, along with some candles which created a very soft and cosy atmosphere which is exactly what I was aiming for. I also turned on the to which was facing Ben, which again created a light that looked as though he had just been planted in the middle f someone's Saturday night infront of the TV with a blanket, hot water bottle and a cup of tea. I want this scene to look like he has just been put into a 'home sweet home' type environment. 

Unfortunately, I became ill after we filmed these scenes so we're unable to shoot the other three scenes I had planned. However on Sunday we are planning to go to South Shields to film the beach scenes, so we will also film the kitchen and the park scenes on this day. 
I have also decided that I want to shoot the football scene in our school sports hall, or on our school football pitch. I chose this because I feel that they will look very stereotypical and obviously a location where he would be playing football. This also allows me to shoot that scene during this coming week, along with the school location scene. 

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