Sunday 8 November 2015

Producation Schedule For Today

 I have, again, put together a sheet which outlines the different shots that I need to film today.
The weather was forecast to be horrific, and it is currently horrifically pouring down with rain so I will be unable to film in South Shields. I chose not to film here because the shots would not look very good at  all if the character it a beach in the pouring rain, It will also hinder the playful and light hearted tone of my music video. I have now decided that I will need to think of different places for the beach and theme park location. One of these will be a bathroom once, which I will use in replace of the beach scene. I think that I can make this quite comical with props such as shower caps and towels. I chose to use a bathroom because it is an easy place to film, since it will be my bathroom, and it is a complete scene change to the other locations, which will give the video a bit more depth.
I have chosen to include my dog in the video as a reference back to my Pitch and initial ideas power point about how teenagers (my target audience) tend to be attracted to things with animals in. Using my dog may encourage and please the viewers.

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