Wednesday 11 November 2015


After looking at my footage I have realised I've made a huge rookie mistake - you can see me filming in the window! This is really annoying because in the bathroom scene I consciously closed the blinds so you couldn't see me but I completely didn't realise in the kitchen. This will have to be reshot at a later date. So that this doesn't hinder the production design stage of my project, I will take a photo of the exact scene that will need to be drawn onto card and start making these as soon as I have gotten all of my location scenes shot to some extent.

 I also need to start thinking about making the cardboard props. I can start making the ones I have already shot now, which will take the weight off the task when I come to making all of them. I have chosen to include homemade props because I want to be able to show off my creative talents and use them in my media work as much as possible. I am also looking at a Production Design for Film and Television degree so this will work nicely with preparing me for university work.

As for the style of the props, I want to make them look obviously homemade. I am not going to make them completely realistic as I want to accentuate the idea of her being crafty, detailed and creative with her manipulation, but in a fun and light hearted way. For some of the props, I need to actually film myself making them as I have included shots in my storyboard where she is making the props.

I am taking inspiration from things like this (taken from google):

Now to do:
-Shoot School and Football scene at Sixth Form on Friday
-Reshoot the kitchen scene and film shot with Rachel and Ben
-Film two different locations to replace theme park and maybe Swimming Pool in Durham on Sunday
-Make the props and backgrounds
-Film Rachel's scenes
-Shot decision list and Edit list
-(maybe reshoot, hopefully not)

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