Sunday 8 November 2015

Filming Update No.3

Today's filming went absolutely perfectly!!

Park/Outdoors Dog Scene

The first scene we did was the scene outside my house. We had gotten outside when it was still bright so we filmed the first few shots, however my family had taken the dog on a walk, and before we knew it, it had gotten a lot darker than the shots we had already done. This meant that we had to film at a lower lighting, meaning the first few shots may be useless if I cant find another way of using them. The shots we did manage to get were done quite quickly, however looking back through them they are just what I wanted. It had started to rain quite heavily so we were hindered with having to cover the camera with a sandwich bag. It was also very cold and rainy so my dog did not want to be outside, nor did we, but we got the shots done.


The next scene I shot was the bathroom scene, which might actually be one of my favourite scenes of the whole filming. I really liked the lighting and the mise en scene and the comical elements of Ben's dancing and the shower cap. We improvised quite a lot which I think is part of the reason I like it so much as it was quite natural. I have got a lot of footage to look through and sort into useful and useless because there are a few shots where he is looking directly at me.


Next we filmed the kitchen scene, this was probably my favourite scene because we made pancakes which was quite fun. Ben also managed to film some home video footage at the same time for his media music video. The warm colours from the main lights and the lamp I added in behind the camera really lit up the scene. I also think the fact there was a lot of metal in the shot reflecting the light created quite a glamorous and fun atmosphere. I filmed all of my planned shots and even managed to take some improvised ones of Ben flipping the pancake successfully and unsuccessfully.

Start Scene

For this, I decided to use my brothers room as it looks very stereo-typically teenage and masculine. It has Call Of Duty posters and grey and blue linens and carpets, making it very typical of a 17 year old boy. I wanted this to look stereotypical because it would emphasise to the audience the naivety and youthfulness to their lives and relationship. My target audience are able to relate to this location, making them connect to the video, and therefore the artist.

On Tuesday I will be uploading the shots to the computer and sorting though them.
Until then!


1 comment:

  1. Good sense of detail here - I look forward to seeing your shots analysis and your rationale for choosing particular shots. I also look forward to seeing a rough cut.
