Friday 13 November 2015

Filming Update No. 4

Just a quick update:
Today we filmed the school scene for my video. We filmed in a classroom with multiple wall displays so that it looked very typically classroom-like, which I have been trying to do with all of the scenes. It only took a few minutes and it went very well. Next week in lesson I will be uploading the footage onto the computer then sorting it out in shot decision lists. I would have done this tonight at home but for some reason they wont upload onto my laptop.
The camera was very efficient, there was no problem with the general usage of it. Compared to last year this is a bit of a miracle. Last year for my The Art of Madness final piece, the camera and tripod were something to be desired. I had to borrow Laura's own camera very last minute, and I found that I did not know how to use it, which took some getting used to. It was the tripod that caused the most problems because I didn't have one that was tall enough, meaning I had to change some of the shots into hand held shots. This year I was a lot more organised and made sure that I chose a good tripod that was tall enough for my long shots of Ben.
I really like the quality of the shots, the lighting is very bright so I will be able to play around with the contrast and brightness to make the  colours even more vibrant adding to the star quality of the video.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting overview - might be worth clarifying how this section fits into the overall tone/ look of your video as well as more qualitative comments about content/ form (for example, quality of the shots/ camera operation etc.)
