Friday 4 December 2015

Branding Update

I realise it has been a while since I have addressed the branding half of this project, however now I wanted to update you withy my feelings towards my print products and what they might look like after a bit of audience feedback and starting the editing of my final video.

After conducting some research among 46 students in my Sixth Form (who fall into my target audience of 16-20 year olds), I found that they preferred the blue and green colour scheme as opposed to the pink and red colours. When I conducted this, which was very close to the beginning of the project, I had in my head that the song I would be using would be darker (Puppeteer) than Shot of Pure Gold which I am using now. Therefore when testing my print products, I went for the slightly darker look with a black background and colourful hints in it to fit in with my research about pop branding.

However, now after changing my song to something with a happier, more fun tone, I think I will need to change my print ideas slightly so that they too are bright and match the music video. My music video will be full of colour with lots of shots outside with bright lighting, and shots containing colourful art supplies, with not much darkness in it so in order to complete my brand, the print products need to look a lot more colourful and bright.
I will however keep in mind the fact that my audience voted more heavily for the green and blue cool colours rather than the warmer ones. I will be producing some more samples, hopefully using my own photography and a wider range of colours with no dark background. I hope to take some photos of Ben tonight, and I am considering taking some photos of my two mannequins that I used in my music video because I think they look quite interesting stood together.
I could put them in different comical positions where the girl mannequin is manipulating the male one with strings, or something along those lines. I will play around with this idea at the weekend in my spare time.
In the mean time, today I will be editing some more of my video in my frees.

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