Thursday 21 January 2016

Digipack Trial Final Idea

I have edited the photos I took of my mannequins trialing different ones for the album cover. I have decided on the blue and purple colour scheme for the outside of the digipack, but I want to have a different colour scheme for the inside of the digipack, maybe red and orange colours.

I have also created a final trial for the back of the cd cover,including the copyright information at the bottom:

As for the inside, I have planned to have a whirl wind of string like lines. I have made a quick example on photoshop using the brush tool and altering the hue:

I really like the bright colours of the digipack. I decided to use a colourful colour scheme because it reflects the fun and upbeat tones of the songs featured, pop music and my music video. The mannequins create a branding identity for MAX. The idea of the multicoloured inside cover came from the MIKA // Life in Cartoon Motion cover. 

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