Friday 8 January 2016

Kings of Leon // Only By The Night Advert Analysis + FINDINGS

Kings of Leon Only By The Night Advert Analysis from elleahmedia

I decided to analyse a different genre to pop to make sure that I cover all aspects of making a magazine album advert.
The things that I have found from analysing this advert are the same as the things I learnt from analysing the pop magazine adverts.

I have found that:
- the image from the album cover is the same as the image used in the advert, a brand identity is created.
- the graphics used look aesthetically pleasing at first glance but when you look closer they tell a story with a deeper meaning.
-The release date is the most important piece of information after the name of the artist.
-The artist's logo does not have to be included, but if it is, the logo is normally just the artists name written in a certain font that is recognisable.
-The artist's website is included in really small print at the bottom of the page, along with the record label.

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