Saturday 16 January 2016

MIKA // Life In Cartoon Motion Digipack Analysis

The cover of the digipack is all one illustration that seems to be hand drawn with an assortment of colourful lines and patterns. Among this are small illustrations of cogs, dolls, flowers and random house hold objects. It seems to be a visual representation of someones mind, either MIKA's or one of the characters in his songs including 'Billy Brown'. It also continued the name of the album 'Life in Cartoon Motion', with cartoons all over the cover. It seems that the small cartoon man has dreamed up all the illustrations. The name of the artist is incorporated in with the drawings in large bold capital letters, and looks as though it has also been dreamed up by the man.
The cover is very psychedelic and is reminiscent of artwork made whilst being on drugs. This tells the audience that the songs will be quite fun, upbeat and strange. The wild colours and images keep up MIKA's branding identity which has been his signature identity since he first became a well known artist.
On the back of the cover, the track list is written down the left side in the same font as the album title on the front cover. The illustrations are carried on from the front cover. The copy right and legal information is listed vertically on the right side.
The CD design is again, the same illustrations from the front cover, but the colour and orientation have been altered.

This is the design for the inside of the cd. It takes the images of the cogs on the front cover and plasters them all over the page.
Inside the cover seems to be a lot more simple than the design on the front and back of the cover. This is something that I will adopt for my digipack.

From this album, I will take these ideas:
- Less design on the inside cover
- Bright random colours to make a statement

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