Tuesday 12 January 2016

Section A - Real Media Texts

This is my short prezi on the possible real media texts section of the exam.

I am not too sure what else I would talk about so I am going to try and find some examplar answers.


1 comment:

  1. The key thing to consider here is how you went about the research (choosing sources, locating products) in terms of the decisions you made about what you were going to look at and why, coupled with the depth of your analysis, style/ approach to analysis and the way in which you used this to develop your final piece. Obviously a crucial aspect is how well your final piece met the standards of the real media texts you used (so how well you adhered to or justified subversion of convention) - you need to be able to explain how you applied what you learned to your final piece. The main thing to think about is the contrast between the AS and the A2. Ideally, your A2 should be more successful (either in that it was closer to an actual product than AS or because it was more individual and clearly your own). Obviously, your AS piece was very successful so you might want to play about with the actuality a little to "big up" your AS...?
